京丹後の歴史|The History of Kyotango
Before the establishment of the Yamato regime, it is believed that a large kingdom called Taniha (Tamba) flourished in the Northern Kinki region, centered on the Tango Peninsula. Although the name Taniha has long since been forgotten, there is a concentration of huge burial mounds in the Tango region, which some believe indicates the rise of the lost ancient power of the “Tango Kingdom. Since the Yayoi period, the “Tango Kingdom” is said to have had a group of people with advanced skills in glass working, iron manufacturing, etc., and did not succumb to the Yamato regime. Eventually, it was swallowed up by the Yamato regime, and in 713 (Wado 6), Tamba (Taniha) was divided into two parts, and its northern five counties (Kasa, Yosa, Tamba (later Naka), Takeno, and Kumano) were called Tango Province.